
5 Tips for Effective Teacher/Tech Coach Communication for the Spring 2021 Semester

Strong communication is the utmost important way for overall effectiveness of teams and groups. In an educational setting, communication is one of the ways that educators are able to rely on each other, create relationships, and share thoughts and ideas on ways to improve education. For many schools right now, teacher/tech coach communication is the only way that education can continue at all. 

Since moving to remote and hybrid learning settings, the tech coach role has been incredibly important to the continuation of lessons during the pandemic. Because some teachers are not comfortable or familiar with technology in their classrooms, the tech coach plays a teacher role for the teacher. Teachers rely on tech coaches to communicate with them quickly and effectively to solve problems, make lessons more impactful and engaging, and teach them how to use the technology on their own.

Educators are wondering what teacher and tech coach communication will look like in the spring 2021 semester and how to make sure that their communication is effective. We recently spoke with Scott Nunes and Matthew Ketchum to help make a list of tips for effective teacher/tech coach communication for the spring 2021 semester.

5 Tips for Effective Teacher/Tech Coach Communication for the Spring 2021 Semester

1. Organize weekly 1:1 meetings

Meeting one on one for teachers and tech coaches gives them the opportunity to tackle some challenges they faced in class, outside of class, without taking away from class time. Communication can thrive in a setting like this because it gives each party an opportunity to ask questions, express concerns, collaborate, and a safe place to converse outside of the classroom.

2. Build relationships

The foundation of every relationship is communication. When the relationship is good, communication is good, and vice versa. Find ways to build strong interpersonal relationships with colleagues to help make communication fluent.

3. Have open discussions

Being open and honest, respectfully, can only enhance the connectivity of a team. Tech coaches cannot effectively support teachers without the knowledge in which help is needed. Having productive conversations can push success much further in direction.

4. Be open-minded

Those who are apprehensive about learning, never learn; and those who do not want to be helped, cannot be helped. Teachers who are not willing to take time to learn, adapt, and ask for help when education comes to technology, will continue to struggle with or without the assistance of a tech coach. Those who are eager and willing to learn will see much success in and out of the classroom.

5. Collaborate on projects

Finding ways, or excuses, to take on projects in which colleagues are able to develop professionally, set an example, and guide tactical learning can promote positive relationships. This is also a great way to provide outside of the classroom opportunities for teachers and tech coaches to practice communication directly and indirectly.

Teacher/tech coach communication tactics during the 2021 spring semester will look different at all schools. Effective communication will thrive when these 5 tips are used in conjunction with willing and great leaders.

Listen to the full conversation with Scott Nunes and Matthew Ketchum on our Tackling Tech Podcast!

On this episode of Tackling Tech Podcast Brett McGrath interviews the hosts of TNT EdTech Podcast, Scott, a teacher, and Matthew, a tech coach. The Modesto City School District was exceptionally well prepared for the quick transition to remote learning. The three discuss the value of distance learning and the rise of meaningful and purposeful tech tools.

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